Antique umbrella, lace, silk, ivory, gold

Antique umbrella. Rare ivory handle beautifully carved with flowers and foliage and adorned with a gold monogram. The silk and lace was restored in the rules of art, as it was at the time, by the Parasolerie Heurtault in Paris ( )
It is silk, covered with a “Chantilly lace”A metal ring engraved with flowers, allows to slide folding the umbrella in two to store it. This umbrella is in perfect condition and can be used. It is 24,09″ long, 13,38″ folded, and about 17,71” in open diameter.
France, circa1850.
Spécimen en ivoire pré-convention. Conforme au règlement CE 338-97 du 09 décembre 1996. Spécimen antérieur au 1er juin 1947. Pour une sortie de l’UE, un CITES de ré-export sera nécessaire, celui-ci étant à la charge du futur acquéreur.

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Question de sécurité : combien font 8+2 ?
